Trade Accounts

Register as a trade customer for exclusive discounts

At Doordeals, we cater for customers from all walks of life, from Mr & Mrs Smith looking for a new front door to developers and housebuilders looking to fill large plots with many properties full of doors.

We know in the current climate, everyone is looking for good value and the best price possible - as a tradesperson, it can be difficult to make sourcing materials pay, with customers often able to purchase at just as favourable rates thanks to online merchants wishing to remain competitive.

With that in mind, we like to give a little back and allow you to not only build a relationship with a company you can trust but in getting a little back. With a Doordeals trade login, your previous spend will be tracked and you'll earn specific discount levels based on this - the more you spend, the more you save. You'll also receive exclusive trade-only offers from time to time, allowing you to remain competitive in pricing for jobs where you are sourcing materials.

How does it work?

Once you have a trade account, each and every time you log in with your username and password, the system will know your total spend to date and give you the appropriate discount automatically at the checkout stage. If you like to make orders over the telephone, don't worry, just mention your trade account to our sales team and they'll ensure any order is linked to your account.

Any orders you place, large or small, will accrue against your total spend and count towards your discount level.

Current Discount Levels:

Total Purchases to DateDiscount Percentage
Please note: Only orders placed and logged against your trade account will be counted towards your total spend to date.
£1000 to £75002.5%
£7501 to £125005%
£12501 to £200008%

How can I sign up?

If you already have a retail account with us, just contact us requesting this is converted to a trade account - our sales staff will switch this over and you'll be ready to take advantage of the benefits!

If you don't already have an account, feel free to register and we'll get you up and running!